What is the difference between PBR and R-Panel?

PBR and R-panel are two types of metal roofing panels that are commonly used in industrial, commercial, and agricultural construction projects. Here are some of the main differences between the two:

  1. Rib design: PBR panels have a higher profile with a larger rib height (1-1/4 inch) than R-panels, which have a smaller rib height (7/8 inch).

  2. Panel width: PBR panels are wider than R-panels, typically measuring 36 inches in width, while R-panels are typically 26 inches in width.

  3. Panel overlap: PBR panels have a larger overlap between panels, typically 1-1/2 inches, compared to R-panels, which have a smaller overlap of 1/2 inch.

  4. Use cases: PBR panels are typically used in commercial and industrial applications where the roof pitch is low (minimum pitch of 1:12). R-panels, on the other hand, are more commonly used in agricultural and residential applications where the roof pitch is steeper (minimum pitch of 3:12).

  5. Availability: PBR panels are more widely available than R-panels, and they may be available in a wider range of colors and finishes.

In summary, while both PBR and R-panels are types of metal roofing panels that offer durable and long-lasting protection for buildings, they have some key differences in their design, use cases, and availability.

Explore the Unmatched Benefits of PBR Panels